Our Survey - The All Court Tennis Club
London, EC1N 6SN

At the All Court Tennis Club we’re always striving to improve our services for you. If you have a few spare moments, please participate in our short online survey on our existing services and some exciting new ones!

All those who participate will receive an email from the membership team sharing a free training video and our latest discount codes in luxury fashion and travel brands. These fantastic discounts are worth over £1,400 and are for ACTC members’ exclusive use during your travels this summer.

    1 = I find this service highly irrelevant / non-useful ;
    10 = I find this service highly relevant / useful

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    A. I would rate:

    B. I would pay (£):

    C. I would pay the above amount for this service (£):

    Never submit passwords or credit card details through forms